This tutorial will teach you how to generator autono using java mysql Autono generator is very important thing in the programming.we will teach you step by step.
Creating a function autono() add the following code inside the function.i shown below.
public void autoID() { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/lob","root",""); Statement s = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select Max(id) from customer");; rs.getString("Max(id)"); if(rs.getString("Max(id)")==null) { txtno.setText("C0001"); } else { Long id = Long.parseLong(rs.getString("Max(id)").substring(2,rs.getString("Max(id)").length())); id++; txtno.setText("C0" + String.format("%03d", id)); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { } catch (SQLException ex) { } }
Call the function inside the constructor of class.
public autoIn() { initComponents(); autoID(); }
after inserted the record autono generator itself.paste the code inside the add button.
try { String no = txtno.getText(); String name = txtname.getText(); Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/lob","root",""); pst = con.prepareStatement("insert into customer (id,name)values(?,?)"); pst.setString(1, no); pst.setString(2, name); pst.executeUpdate(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Record Addedd"); autoID(); txtname.setText(""); txtname.requestFocus(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { } catch (SQLException ex) { }
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