Home Free Projects Banking Deposit Amount Calculation in Java

Banking Deposit Amount Calculation in Java

1 min read

In this tutorials will teach Banking Deposit Amount Calculation in Java following these conditions.

User shall be able to choose as 200days 0r 100days option.

  • if the user select 200days option includes 20% interest rate.
  • if the user select 100days option includes 10% interest rate.

Double amount = Double.parseDouble(txtAmount.getText());
String days = (String)cboDays.getSelectedItem();
Double tot,interest;
     interest = amount * 20/100 / 365 * 200;
     tot = amount + interest;
else if(days.equals("100"))
       interest = amount * 15/100 / 365 * 100;
       tot = amount + interest;
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Something Wrong");


i have attached the video link below. which will do this tutorials step by step


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