This tutorials series we are going to talk about how to make a banking loan calculation programming step by step.user shall be able to enter the loan respective amount and enter the loan duration and enter the intrest rate based on the amount and duration loan will be calculated for each month.
Enter the code inside the Ok Button
double loanAmount = Double.parseDouble(txtAmount.getText()); int duration = Integer.parseInt(txtDur.getText()); double annualInterestRate = Double.parseDouble(txtRate.getText()); model = (DefaultTableModel)jTable1.getModel(); model.setRowCount(0); // Clear existing rows double monthlyInterestRate = annualInterestRate / 12 / 100; double monthlyPayment = (loanAmount * monthlyInterestRate) / (1 - Math.pow(1 + monthlyInterestRate, -duration)); LocalDate startDate =; for (int i = 1; i <= duration; i++) { double interestPayment = loanAmount * monthlyInterestRate; double principalPayment = monthlyPayment - interestPayment; loanAmount -= principalPayment; LocalDate dueDate = startDate.plusMonths(i); model.addRow(new Object[]{ i, dueDate.format(dateFormatter), String.format("%.2f", principalPayment), String.format("%.2f", interestPayment), String.format("%.2f", monthlyPayment) }); }
Initialize the employee number, Hourswork,and Hoursrate to calculate a grosswage use the following condition. if…
Act as a Java developer to create a program that calculates the gross wage for…
Initialize the employee number, Hourswork,and Hoursrate to calculate a grosswage use the following condition. if…
In this tutorial, we will teach you how to create a simple school management system…
I have design the Admin Basic templete using React MUI Design Admin Dashboard and Login.Here…
In this tutorial ,i am to going teach the Laravel Breeze.Laravel Breeze provides a simple…