In this tutorials will teach you how to calculate student marks using OOP concepts with This is an important for developing oops through c# projects.object oriented is mors there are many students who struggling with this area. so that I bring this article for all to clear the doubts.input the studentname and marks to calculating the total,grade. the grade is awared as “Pass” when the average is more than 50.otherwise grade is fail.
First You have to Design the Form
After that you have to create the class Cal.cs
class Cal { public double avg; public string grade; public int m1,m2,m3,tot; public int cal() { tot = m1 + m2 + m3; return tot; } public double avgCalcuation() { avg = tot/3; return avg; } public string gradeCalcuation() { if(avg > 50) { grade = "Pass"; } else { grade = "Faile"; } return grade; } }
Paste the Code inside the Add Button
Cal c = new Cal(); c.m1 = int.Parse(txtm1.Text); c.m2 = int.Parse(txtm2.Text); c.m3 = int.Parse(txtm3.Text); txttot.Text =; txtAvg.Text = c.avgCalcuation().ToString(); txtgrade.Text = c.gradeCalcuation();
i have attached the video link below. which will do this tutorials step by step.