Input the employee name and basic salary calculate and display the netsalary using following condition if the basic salary is more than 50000 then include 10% Tax if the basic salary is more than 30000 then include 5% Tax otherwise no Tax.
Input the employee name and basic salary calculate and display the netsalary using following condition if the basic salary is more than 50000 then include 10% Tax if the basic salary is more than 30000 then include 5% Tax otherwise no Tax.
this tutorial on java we are going to teach the advanced student grading system using following condition
this tutorial will teach you write the java program to calculate and display student grade system.i have written the simple example . Input the Student name,marks for 3 subjects,calculate the avg,grade. In order to calculate the grade using following conditions. if the average is greater than 50 awarded as “Pass” Other wise “Fail”