Input the Student Indexno,Name,subjects in java Display the Student details Display the the max marks Display the total,average and grade Exit
Input the Student Indexno,Name,subjects in java Display the Student details Display the the max marks Display the total,average and grade Exit
In this tutorials will teach Java Money Counter Calculator App step by step. Paste the code inside the calculate button. int salary = Integer.parseInt(txtSal.getText()); int notes,coins; notes = salary / 5000; salary = salary % 5000; System.out.println("5000 notes : " + notes); int fivethusand = notes; notes = salary / 1000; salary = salary % 1000; System.out.println("1000 notes : " …
create a 3 element integer to calculate and following min numbers max numbers total average
Create a 10 element integer array and store some integer values display as the counting of 0. public class JavaEx { public static void main(String args[]) { int numbers[] = {10,15,0,0,6,0,0,1,6,4}; int x,count,len; count = 0; len = numbers.length; for(x= 0; x < len; x++) { if(numbers[x]==0) { System.out.println(numbers[x]); count++; } } System.out.println(count); } } above examples int numbers[] = …
in this tutorials you will be learning DataInputStream using Java.input the integer number and float number and press enter key then show output as readable integer number and float number. import; public class JavaEx { public static void main(String args[]) { DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(; int Intnum = 0; float Floatnum = 0.0f; try { System.out.println("Enter the Integer"); …
Assume that we have to compute and print the square root of the number. public class JavaEx { public static void main(String args[]) { double a = 10; double b; b = Math.sqrt(a); System.out.println("b " + b); } }
Input the Student name,marks for 3 subjects,calculate the avg,grade. In order to calculate the grade using following conditions.
input employee number,hourly rate calculate and display the gross payment using following condition. if the employee work more than 40 hours then he will be paid the hours work over 40 at the rate of two times than the normal rate others get the normal payment.
Input the employee name and basic salary calculate and display the netsalary using following condition if the basic salary is more than 50000 then include 10% Tax if the basic salary is more than 30000 then include 5% Tax otherwise no Tax.
this tutorial on java we are going to teach the advanced student grading system using following condition