Home Free Projects Electricity Billing System Using Java

Electricity Billing System Using Java

2 min read

This tutorials will teach Electricity Billing System using Java and Mysql step by step process. This project will help you to do the java assignment projects and java best practices.

Create the Variables

double chg,gramt;
int conu;
String cid;


First We have to calculating the Unit

Paste the code inside the Cal button

cid = txtid.getText();
        conu = Integer.parseInt(txtunit.getText());
        if(conu < 500)
            chg = 1.00;
        else if(conu < 500 && conu< 600)
            chg = 1.80;
         else if(conu < 600 && conu< 800)
            chg = 2.80;
             chg = 3.00;
        gramt = conu * chg;



Create the Method Print

This code shown  generate the bill

public void print()
         String billid = txtid.getText();
        String customer = txtcname.getText();
        conu = Integer.parseInt(txtunit.getText());
        txtprint.setText(txtprint.getText() + "\n");
        txtprint.setText( txtprint.getText() + "Electricity Billing System" + "\n");
        txtprint.setText( txtprint.getText() + "\n");
        txtprint.setText( txtprint.getText() + "Bill No : - "  + billid + "\n");
        txtprint.setText( txtprint.getText() + "Customer : - " + customer + "\n");
        txtprint.setText( txtprint.getText() + "Unit  : - " + conu + "\n");
        txtprint.setText( txtprint.getText() + "Amount  : - " + gramt + "\n");
        txtprint.setText(txtprint.getText() + "Thank you Come Again \n");  


Paste Code inside the Print Button

     try {
        } catch (PrinterException ex) {


i have attached the video link below. which will do this tutorials step by step.


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