This tutorial will teach how to make the Employee Allowance Payroll System step by step in java and mysql.this system will help you to manage the employee details and salary details.
First we have to design the Employee Registation form
after that we have to set the AutoIncrement ID. when the new employee join to the we have to set the auto id generator. i created the AutoID() function and inside the function i wrote the code.
public void AutoID() { try { connection(); Statement s = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select MAX(empno) from employee");; rs.getString("MAX(empno)"); if( rs.getString("MAX(empno)") == null) { txtno.setText("ES001"); } else { long id = Long.parseLong(rs.getString("MAX(empno)").substring(2,rs.getString("MAX(empno)").length())); id++; txtno.setText("ES" + String.format("%03d" , id)); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(employeereg.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
after that you have call the AutoID() function inside the Constructor of class.
public employeereg() { initComponents(); AutoID(); }
Connection con; PreparedStatement pst; public void connection() { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/empallowance", "root",""); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(employeereg.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(employeereg.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
Save button
String empno = txtno.getText(); String empfname = txtfname.getText(); String emplname = txtlname.getText(); String address = txtaddress.getText(); String telno = txttelno.getText(); String salary = txtsalary.getText(); String depart = txtdepart.getText(); connection(); try { pst = con.prepareStatement("insert into employee(empno,fname,lname,address,telno,salary,department)values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); pst.setString(1, empno); pst.setString(2, empfname); pst.setString(3, emplname); pst.setString(4, address); pst.setString(5, telno); pst.setString(6, salary); pst.setString(7, depart); pst.executeUpdate(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Employeee Insertedddd!!!!!!!!"); AutoID(); txtfname.setText(""); txtlname.setText(""); txtaddress.setText(""); txttelno.setText(""); txtsalary.setText(""); txtdepart.setText(""); txtfname.requestFocus(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(employeereg.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }
Allowance Consists of 3 parts.
String allo = txtallo.getSelectedItem().toString(); String amount = txtamount.getText(); connection(); try { pst = con.prepareStatement("select empno from employee"); ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery(); String empnovalue; while( { empnovalue = rs.getString("empno"); pst = con.prepareStatement("insert into allowance(allowance_type,amount,empno)values(?,?,?)"); pst.setString(1, allo); pst.setString(2, amount); pst.setString(3, empnovalue); pst.executeUpdate(); } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Allowance Added all Employees"); table_data(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(allowance.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }
String empno = txtempno.getSelectedItem().toString(); String allotype = txtinallo.getSelectedItem().toString(); String amount = txtinamount.getText(); connection(); try { pst = con.prepareStatement("insert into allowance(allowance_type,amount,empno)values(?,?,?)"); pst.setString(1, allotype); pst.setString(2, amount); pst.setString(3, empno); pst.executeUpdate(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Allowance Addedddd"); table_data(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(allowance.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }
String depart = txtdetype.getSelectedItem().toString(); String allo = txtdeallo.getSelectedItem().toString(); String amount = txtdeamount.getText(); connection(); try { pst = con.prepareStatement("select empno from employee where department = ?"); pst.setString(1, depart); ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery(); String empnovalue; while( { empnovalue = rs.getString("empno"); pst = con.prepareStatement("insert into allowance(allowance_type,amount,empno)values(?,?,?)"); pst.setString(1, allo); pst.setString(2, amount); pst.setString(3, empnovalue); pst.executeUpdate(); } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Allowance Added For Department Employees"); table_data(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(allowance.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }
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