Java Projects and Best Examples

Employee Working Hours Calculation System using Java

Initialize the employee number, Hourswork,and Hoursrate to calculate a grosswage use the following condition. if the
employee work more than 40 hours then he will paid the hour work over 40 at the rate of the 2 times than than normal rate others get
the normal payment.

Make the Design using Netbeans IDE

I attched the video Below

Here is the Source Code

double Hwork,Hrate,Grosswage,tax;
        Hwork = Double.parseDouble(txtHwork.getText());
        Hrate = Double.parseDouble(txtHrate.getText());
        if(Hwork > 40)
            Grosswage = ((Hwork - 40) * 2 * Hrate) +( 40 * Hrate );

            Grosswage =  40 * Hrate ;


I attached the video below How to make this System






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