Home Node JS Function and Arrow Function Different using Node Js

Function and Arrow Function Different using Node Js

2 min read

In this tutorial will teach you what is the Different between Function and Arrow Function. This is very impotent one.
if you want to be a mastering in Node Js.

Normally Create the function this way

function myTest1()   // Function Name
    console.log("test function work")
myTest1();  // Print the Function

Create the function pass the parameters  without datatype in Javascript

function myTest(name,course,age)  // Create the function pass the parameters
myTest("John","NodeJs","35");   // Print the Function

Create the function assign to the variable

var myTestfn =  function myTest(name,course,age) //assign to the variable myTestfn 
myTestfn ("Peter","NodeJs","35"); //Print the variable

Now lets convert the function into Arrow Function

look at this line of the code    var myTestfn = function myTest(name,course,age)

Remove function keyword and function name myTest and put the => arrow

var mynewTest = (name,course,age) =>

var mynewTest = (name,course,age) =>   

i have attached the video link below. which will do this tutorials step by step.


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