Home Laravel 9 Hotel Management System using Laravel 11

Hotel Management System using Laravel 11

1 min read


  1. Hotel ↔ Rooms (One-to-Many)
    A hotel can have many rooms, but a room belongs to one hotel.
  2. Room ↔ RoomImages (One-to-Many)
    A room can have many images, but an image belongs to one room.
  3. Room ↔ RoomTypes (One-to-Many)
    A room can have multiple types (e.g., single, double, deluxe), but a room type is associated with one room.
  4. BookingSale ↔ BookingSaleProducts (One-to-Many)
    A booking sale can include multiple booking sale products, but each booking sale product is part of one booking sale.

ER Diagram

The entities and relationships are as follows:

  • Entities: Hotels, Rooms, RoomImages, RoomTypes, BookingSales, BookingSaleProducts.
  • Primary Keys (PK): Defined for each entity as id.
  • Foreign Keys (FK):
    • Rooms.hotel_id → Hotels.id
    • RoomImages.room_id → Rooms.id
    • RoomTypes.room_id → Rooms.id
    • BookingSaleProducts.booking_sale_id → BookingSales.id
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