The inventory management is developed by python tkinter. The project is built to manage items and transactions. To make a new transaction, fields such as: Fried rice name, qty and payment needs to be selected. If you like to learn point of sales systems step by step, this is the right place to learn from the beginning.
from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk def pay(): totall = float(tot.cget("text")) pay = float(e11.get()) bal = pay - totall balText.set(bal) def show(): tot = 0 if(var1.get()): price = int(e1.get()) qty = int(e6.get()) tot = int(price * qty) tempList = [['Thai Fried Rice', e1.get(), e6.get(), tot]] tempList.sort(key=lambda e: e[1], reverse=True) for i, (item, price, qty, tot) in enumerate(tempList,start=1): listBox.insert("", "end", values=(item, price, qty, tot)) if (var2.get()): price = int(e2.get()) qty = int(e7.get()) tot = int(price * qty) tempList = [['Basil Fried Rice', e2.get(), e7.get(), tot]] tempList.sort(key=lambda e: e[1], reverse=True) for i, (item, price, qty, tot) in enumerate(tempList, start=1): listBox.insert("", "end", values=(item, price, qty, tot)) if (var3.get()): price = int(e3.get()) qty = int(e8.get()) tot = int(price * qty) tempList = [['Pineapple Fried Rice', e3.get(), e8.get(), tot]] tempList.sort(key=lambda e: e[1], reverse=True) for i, (item, price, qty, tot) in enumerate(tempList, start=1): listBox.insert("", "end", values=(item, price, qty, tot)) if (var4.get()): price = int(e4.get()) qty = int(e9.get()) tot = int(price * qty) tempList = [['Crab Fried Rice', e4.get(), e9.get(), tot]] tempList.sort(key=lambda e: e[1], reverse=True) for i, (item, price, qty, tot) in enumerate(tempList, start=1): listBox.insert("", "end", values=(item, price, qty, tot)) if (var5.get()): price = int(e5.get()) qty = int(e10.get()) tot = int(price * qty) tempList = [['Fish Fried Rice', e5.get(), e10.get(), tot]] tempList.sort(key=lambda e: e[1], reverse=True) for i, (item, price, qty, tot) in enumerate(tempList, start=1): listBox.insert("", "end", values=(item, price, qty, tot)) sum1 = 0.0 for child in listBox.get_children(): sum1 += float(listBox.item(child, 'values')[3]) totText.set(sum1) root = Tk() root.title("Inventory System using Python") root.geometry("1000x600") global e1 global e2 global e3 global e4 global totText global balText totText = StringVar() balText = IntVar() Label(root, text="Inventory System using Python",font="arial 22 bold").place(x=5, y=10) var1 = IntVar() Checkbutton(root, text="Thai Fried Rice", variable=var1).place(x=10, y=50) var2 = IntVar() Checkbutton(root, text="Basil Fried Rice", variable=var2).place(x=10, y=80) var3 = IntVar() Checkbutton(root, text="Pineapple Fried Rice", variable=var3).place(x=10, y=110) var4 = IntVar() Checkbutton(root, text="Crab Fried Rice", variable=var4).place(x=10, y=140) var5 = IntVar() Checkbutton(root, text=" Fish Fried Rice ", variable=var5).place(x=10, y=170) Label(root, text="Total").place(x=600, y=10) Label(root, text="Pay").place(x=600, y=50) Label(root, text="Balance").place(x=600, y=80) e1 = Entry(root), y=50) e2 = Entry(root), y=80) e3 = Entry(root), y=110) e4 = Entry(root), y=140) e5 = Entry(root), y=170) e6 = Entry(root), y=50) e7 = Entry(root), y=80) e8 = Entry(root), y=110) e9 = Entry(root), y=140) e10 = Entry(root), y=170) tot = Label(root, text="",font="arial 22 bold", textvariable=totText), y=10) e11 = Entry(root), y=50) e12 = Entry(root) balance = Label(root, text="",font="arial 22 bold", textvariable=balText).place(x=650, y=80) Button(root, text="Add",command = show,height=3, width= 13).place(x=10, y=220) Button(root, text="PayNow",command = pay,height=3, width= 13).place(x=650, y=120) cols = ('item', 'price', 'qty','total') listBox = ttk.Treeview(root, columns=cols, show='headings') for col in cols: listBox.heading(col, text=col) listBox.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2), y=300) root.mainloop()
December 18, 2024 at 10:58 pm
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Those of Hispanic or Latino origins had been 6.67 of the inhabitants.
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January 28, 2025 at 4:32 pm
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Seol looks like her life has taken a turn for the worse since Jung came into her life.