This tutorial will teach you how to Insert the records using OOP step by step.
Create the 3 Private Variables
private String name=""; private String address=""; private String phone="";
Generate the Get and Set Methods of variables
public void setname(String name) {; } public String getname() { return name; } public void setaddress(String address) { this.address=address; } public String getaddress() { return address; } public void setphone(String phone) {; } public String getphone() { return phone; }
Inside the Save the Button Paste the Code
try { OppCrud op = new OppCrud(); op.setname(txtname.getText()); op.setaddress(txtaddress.getText()); op.setphone(txtphone.getText()); Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/oppcrud", "root",""); String sql = "INSERT INTO registation(name,address,tel) VALUES (?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(sql); statement.setString(1,op.getname()); statement.setString(2,op.getaddress()); statement.setString(3,op.getphone()); statement.executeUpdate(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Record Addedd Succssfully"); txtname.setText(""); txtaddress.setText(""); txtphone.setText(""); txtname.requestFocus(); } catch(Exception e1) { System.out.println(e1.toString()); }
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