The Pizza Hut Shop Inventory System is developed by java. The project is built to manage sales and transactions. To make a new transaction, fields such as:pizza type , qty needs to be selected. If you like to learn point of sales systems step by step, this is the right place to learn from the beginning. In this tutorial useful for making a point of sales system for a small shops.
First implement the Table Model
DefaultTableModel model;
Double Click the Buy Button Paste this code
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { int sum = 0; if(chkbbq.isSelected()) { String bbq = "BBQ Chicken"; int price = 1000; int qty = Integer.parseInt(txtbbq.getText()); int tot = price * qty; model = (DefaultTableModel)jTable1.getModel(); model.addRow(new Object[] { bbq, price, qty, tot } ); } if(chkpop.isSelected()) { String pop = "Popcorn Veggie"; int price = 1200; int qty = Integer.parseInt(txtpop.getText()); int tot = price * qty; model = (DefaultTableModel)jTable1.getModel(); model.addRow(new Object[] { pop, price, qty, tot } ); } if(chkchickpizza.isSelected()) { String chickenpizza = "Popcorn Chicken Pizza"; int price = 2800; int qty = Integer.parseInt(txtchickpizza.getText()); int tot = price * qty; model = (DefaultTableModel)jTable1.getModel(); model.addRow(new Object[] { chickenpizza, price, qty, tot } ); } if(chkspicy.isSelected()) { String spicy = "Hot & Spicy Chicken"; int price = 1800; int qty = Integer.parseInt(txtspicy.getText()); int tot = price * qty; model = (DefaultTableModel)jTable1.getModel(); model.addRow(new Object[] { spicy, price, qty, tot } ); } for(int i=0; i<jTable1.getRowCount(); i++) { sum = sum + Integer.parseInt(jTable1.getValueAt(i, 3).toString()); } txtbill.setText(Integer.toString(sum)); }