This tutorial will teach you how to make a Radio button in python tkinter step by step
from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk def selection(): selection = radio.get() selection1 = radio1.get() if(selection==1): item = "C" elif(selection == 2): item = "C++" elif (selection == 3): item = "Java" if (selection1 == 1): item1 = "C#" elif (selection1 == 2): item1 = "" elif (selection1 == 3): item1 = "Python" label.config(text=item) label1.config(text=item1) top = Tk() top.geometry("400x300") top.title("Radio Button Selection Python") radio = IntVar() radio1 = IntVar() R1 = Radiobutton(top, text="C", variable=radio, value=1) R1.pack(anchor=W),y=10) R2 = Radiobutton(top, text="C++", variable=radio, value=2) R2.pack(anchor=W),y=40) R3 = Radiobutton(top, text="Java", variable=radio, value=3) R3.pack(anchor=W),y=70) R4 = Radiobutton(top, text="C#", variable=radio1, value=1) R4.pack(anchor=W),y=10) R2 = Radiobutton(top, text="", variable=radio1, value=2) R2.pack(anchor=W),y=40) R3 = Radiobutton(top, text="Python", variable=radio1, value=3) R3.pack(anchor=W),y=70) Button(top, text="Add",command = selection,height=3, width= 13).place(x=80, y=200) label = Label(top) label.pack(),y=140) label1 = Label(top) label1.pack(),y=170) top.mainloop()
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