This tutorial will teach how to make a Student Grade Calculation in Input the studentname and avg marks to calcuate the grade.
if the average is > 75 – A
if the average is > 65 – B
if the average is > 55 – C
if the average is > 45 – S
if the average is < 45 – F
double maths, science, english, tot, avg; string grade; maths = double.Parse(txtMaths.Text); science = double.Parse(txtSci.Text); english = double.Parse(txtEng.Text); tot = maths + science + english; txtTot.Text = tot.ToString(); avg = tot / 3; txtAvg.Text = avg.ToString(); if(avg >= 75) { grade = "A"; } else if (avg >= 65) { grade = "B"; } else if (avg >= 55) { grade = "C"; } else if (avg >= 45) { grade = "S"; } else { grade = "F"; } txtGrade.Text = grade;
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