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Why Java become best programming language

1 min read

Why Java become best programming language

1.Platform independent

2. Object Oriented







9.Easy to Learn

10.Architecture neutral

Java is Case sensitive programming language.

What are the best Editor for use to write the Java Programming

1.Intellij idea


3.Netbeans ide

As a Beginner i recommend to start the Java journey from Notepad

what is JDK,JRE,JVM?

JDK(Java Development Kit)

it use to develop a java program.

JRE(Java Runtime Environment)

it use to only run the java program Environment.

JVM(Java Virtual Machine)

it use to start the java program to run.

What are the best Editor for use to write the Java Programming

1.Intellij idea


3.Netbeans ide

As a Beginner i recommend to start the Java journey from Notepad.

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